2019 Wrap-up!
2019 became a bit of a whirlwind once I decided I was going to push forward with self-publishing my first novel. I learned so much in such a short period of time. And the deadlines I set for myself quickly solidified into something that felt more and more like a reality. All of the effort culminated, for me, in receiving the first proof copy of the paperback edition of my novel, The Crafter’s Son back on November 27th! What a rush that was!
The next step, after a second proof copy to get the cover art and text aligned just so, and a trip for my manuscript to a copy editor (Thank you, Leonora!), was actually publishing the book on Amazon—on December 7th!
The next, and likely last significant milestone of 2019 for my writing was delivering copies of my book to Aesop’s Fable in downtown Holliston last Sunday, the 15th! (Thank you, Andrew and Leah, for supporting a local author!) All of the books I provided to Aesop’s Fable were signed copies, for what it’s worth. And folks in the Boston suburbs can expect to hear about a signing or reading or some other type of event there in the new year!
So what’s next? Well, I’m doing my best to parallel task in the following areas:
Working on finishing up the sequel to The Crafter’s Son so I can meet my goal to have it published in the first half of 2020
Working on producing a hard cover edition of The Crafter’s Son
Working on an Audible version of The Crafter’s Son
Working on three novellas to become part of the world of The Crafter Chronicles
Working on getting the word out about my series
Working on getting more reviews for The Crafter’s Son
Look for upcoming blogs about how the story developed, and my approach to writing. And if there is sufficient interest, I’m also happy to talk about the mechanics of publishing*.
Until next time . . . spread the word! And tell your friends, families and co-workers about The Crafter Chronicles!
*Let me know, by commenting on the post below, or by sending me an email!